Definitive Guide C# IList Nedir için

I toyed with writing an extension method, also with inheriting from IList and implementing my own Sort() method bey well as casting to a List but none of these seemed overly elegant.

Maybe take it into a List of T rather than ArrayList, so that you get type safety and more options for how you implement the comparer.

Bu kent, istenmeyenleri azaltmak dâhilin Akismet kullanıyor. Tefsir verilerinizin nasıl işlendiği üzerine daha bir tomar haber edinin.

Eric LippertEric Lippert 656k182182 gold badges1.3k1.3k silver badges2.1k2.1k bronze badges 14 12 How do you know what the caller needs though. For instance I was switching one of my return types to a IList then I well I am probably just going to enumerate over them anyways lets just return an IEnumberable.

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then, say, if you had an array and wished to print their type names to the console, you would first have to create a new List and fill it with your types.

You are most often better of using the most general usable type, in this case the IList or even C# IList Kullanımı better the IEnumerable interface, so that you birey switch the implementation conveniently at a later time.

Don't you know in advance if your method needs a list that dirilik take additional members; don't you specify that C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor in the method signature? What exactly were you going to do if you were passed a read only list like int[]?

The idea is that you hide C# IList Nerelerde Kullanılıyor the implementation details from the user, and instead provide them C# IList Neden Kullanmalıyız with a stable interface. This is to reduce dependency on details that might change in the future.

class Kisi string ad; string soyad; public string Ad get return ad; set ad = value; public string Soyad get return soyad; seki soyad = value;


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Unless you have a very compelling reason to do so, your best bet will be to inherit from System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection since it has everything you need.

IEnumerable allows you to iterate through a collection. ICollection builds on this and also allows for adding and removing items. IList also allows for accessing and modifying them at a specific index. By exposing the one that you expect your consumer to C# IList Kullanımı work with, you are free to change your implementation. List happens to implement all three of those interfaces. If you expose your property birli a List or even an IList when all you want your consumer to have is the ability to iterate through the collection. Then they could come to depend on the fact that they hayat modify the list.

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